Oldfield Lane, Bath, Avon, BA2 3NR

01225 303990


Class teacher: Miss Singer 

Email: esinger@stjohns.bathnes.sch.uk 

Welcome to Otters Class Page 2024/25


Our PE days are Monday and Thursday.

Reading Records are due in on Fridays

Spelling tests are on Fridays.

Library Day will be Tuesday 


We have Forest School on Mondays in Term 5

Reading Records  and reading books must be in school every day.

Spelling tests are on Fridays.


 Helpful Resources and Websites: 

Year 3 and 4 Spelling Words List 

Times Table Rock Stars

Term 4


Project Web

Year 3 Spellings Term 3

Year 4 Spellings Term 3

Term 3 


Project Web

Year 3 Spellings Term 3m 1 

Year 4 Spellings Term 3

 In Term 3 we enjoyed making Persian cookies in english as part of our work on Nour's Secret Library.  On number day, the children worked really hard in groups creating maths problems stories that are going to be made into an AI story! In RE we learned about the life of Jesus how he helped people. The children worked in groups and put on dramas to convey some of the miracles Jesus performed.

Number Day Otters.pngCookies Otters.pngOtters RE.png