Oldfield Lane, Bath, Avon, BA2 3NR

01225 303990


Class teachers: Mrs Young (MTW) and Mrs Smith (TF)

Email: cyoung@stjohns.bathnes.sch.uk hsmith@stjohns.bathnes.sch.uk

Welcome to our class page 2024/2025

We are delighted to welcome you to Badgers class.

In Term 4 our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday

We have Forest School on Mondays in Term 6

Reading Records and reading books must be in school every day

Spelling tests are on Fridays.

Library Day will be Tuesday 

 Helpful Resources and Websites: 

Year 3 and 4 Spelling Words List 

Times Table Rock Stars

I.n Term 3 we were delighted to welcome Bishop Bosco to our class. We also learned about the Jubilee Year in RE. In science, we expereimented and learned about pitch as part of our sound unit.